Welcome To medicare prescription drugs 2006
Health spending in the United States grew 6.1 percent in 2007, to $2.2 trillion or $7,421 per person. For comparison the total GDP per person in China is $6,100. This continues the trend of health care spending taking an every increasing portion of the economic output (the economy grew by 4.8 percen ...
Between November 11 and December 4, as Congress has considered a potential bailout for the auto industry, Media Matters for America has found dozens of media figures and outlets advancing the falsehood that autoworkers employed by the domestic automakers are paid $70 or more per hour in wages and be...
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the United States must share the blame for the drug problem because of a continuing strong demand for drugs at home. 'I feel very strongly we have a co-responsibility,' Clinton told reporters. 'Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drugBlog from:
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